20% Project-Week 2

Hello my name is Victorya, and my topic is writing a novella. This week has been going good there was no struggles that I had while writing my novella. I accomplished making adding more detail and added adjectives to make my writing sound more fun. I had my stepdad help me reread my novella a couple times to make sure I had no silly mistakes while writing. He helped me catch some mistakes. For him it was easy to catch mistakes because when reading your own writing it looks to you that’s there isn’t no mistakes but there really are some. Me and him watched videos from authors that taught us how to make your writing better. Next week I am going to be adding new characters to my story and a little more dialogue that is my goals for next week. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope I see you next week goodbye!


Over spring break me, my mom, my stepdad, and my little brother went to Temecula and we stayed there for two days. The first day we had gone to two winery’s for my mom and my stepdad. We ate pizza and this bread that was filled with cheese and shaped like a bowl. Late that day we went to our hotel and got into the pool, the water ended up being really cold so I only put my feet in. The next morning we went to eat at Denny’s and then after we ate we went to a trampoline house. The trampoline was like an obstacle course one, it didn’t have that much trampolines to be honest but it was really fun overall.

20% Project-Week 1

Hi my name is Victorya and for my 20% project I choose to write a short story(novella). My goal for week 1 I had chosen to add more description to my characters so that when people would read my novella they would be able to visualize it perfectly fine and revise mistakes that I hadn’t noticed before and that I needed to change for my story to make more sense and make it look more professional. I achieved that goal because I did have enough time to add more description to all my characters like how sound when they talk or how their hair moves when the wind blows through their hair or how their face changes expressions when they are speaking with anther character. I also had time to revise the little mistakes in my novella like missing periods, commas, capitalizing my “I”s, where to begin new paragraphs and where to end my sentences and not keep them going on forever and ever.

Dinner invite

The three people I would invite to a dinner that I would be hosting are, my cousins Mitsy and Kassy, and my best friend Val. I would invite my cousin Kassy because she’s so funny and would lighten up the mood if it ever gets quiet. My other cousin Mitsy I would invite her because you can’t just invite one you have the invite the other as well. She is also very kind and sweet. I would invite Val my best friend because she is so funny and I think that her and my cousins would get along. We would go out and eat at wing stop.